Jiu-Jitsu Sisterhood
A podcast that tailors to women and girls in the Brazilian jiu jitsu community where we can all discuss and share what we love about Jiu jitsu as well as grow from each other by sharing experiences and knowledge. A place to just have fun, laugh and converse with each other .There will be Q&A , story telling, advice ,discussing fears, experiences, technique, competition preparation and the list goes on. Take a listen if you love jiu jitsu! 💜 Be sure to follow us on all platforms! YouTube, Instagram, Apple, Spotify, and Tik Tok!
46 episodes
Episode 37 - Marissa Pacelli
Marissa Pacelli is a brown belt that trains out of Black Hole BJJ. She has been training for about 10 years now and is an active competitor in the jiu jitsu scene. She's won many titles and currently holds a championship belt for Finishers. Joi...
Episode 37

Episode 36 - Dru Phoenix
Join us as we chit chat with a fellow bjj friend, Dru. He's a jiu-jitsu black belt, BJJ gym owner, a former marine and an amazing person overall! Listen in as we learn about his journey, life, and general opinions :D

Episode 35 - Pop Topic #3
Join us as we chit chat about our recent tournament Submission Station and it's unique rule set, CJI/ADCC weekend, and some shoyo roll tapes for a laugh.
Episode 35

Episode 34 - Yashira Millayes
Join us as we get to know Yashira Millayes a little better. Yashira has been training for 9 years and currently trains at Hotbox MMA.She is making a name for herself in the jiu-jitsu scene in more ways than one. Not only does she have a fiery a...
Episode 34

Lauren Sears Interview
Got a chance to catch up as well as discuss the whole CJI/ADCC drama with Lauren Sears . Lauren is a brown belt training out of 10th Planet Austin. You can catch our first interview with her in our earlier interviews. She recently compete...

Episode 33 - Pop topic Round 2
In this episode, we discuss some BJJ article topics we came across that we just had to talk about! For example, rolling too light versus too hard, "tips" for women training in jiu jitsu, women grappling with other women, and a couple other thin...

Natasha Druggan Interview
Natasha Druggan is a brown belt training out of Bastos jiu-jitsu. She's competed in ADCC trials, ADCC Opens, IBJJF Pans and Worlds. She recently won a title match at Main Character Jiu-jitsu against Sophia Casella. To fight Sophia , she h...

Sarah Swi-ATTACK Interview
Sarah Swiatek is a brown belt training out of Flow State Jiu jitsu. I got the opportunity to meet her and talk to her a bit at the Main Character Jiu Jitsu event where she won both her matches. She's been making her mark recently in the bjj sce...

Ally Wolski Interview
Ally Wolski is an up and coming purple belt that trains out of B-Team under Nicky Ryan. She's been making some noise recently with recent match ups against Jasmine Rocha and Nathalia Santoro (Sonny) aka Gordon Ryan's girlfriend. She also ...

Cholena Horne Interview
Cholena Horne is a fellow competitor from Canada. She is a purple belt out of West Coast BJJ. I had the lovely opportunity to get to know her a little better. I truly enjoyed our conversation and she is the sweetest! You can see some of h...

Episode 32 - Community Buzz
In this episode, Edelia and I discuss some topics that have been buzzing in the Bjj community. We discuss CJI , ADCC , intergender matches, fighter pay, and Meragali's girlfriend! Join us :D
Episode 32

Episode 31 - Jacob Straus AKA Darce Daddy
In this episode we sit with Jake Straus, a purple belt training out of Vagner Rocha Martial arts. This is the same gym that Jasmine Rocha and Achilles Rocha train out of under their father Vagner. Jake is consistently in the jiu jitsu scene and...
Episode 31

NoGi Summit Interview - Samantha
A quick chat with one of the women that attended the NoGi Women's seminar in Portland Oregon.

Amanda Loewen (Mini Interview)
Amanda Loewen is a black belt out of Oregon that has been training for about 15 years and was the first female black belt in Oregon. She aims to be a legendary coach and she is well on her way down that path. I personally experienced lear...

Episode 30 - Alex Enriquez and Faye Cherrier
In this episode I had the chance to sit down and speak with Alex Enriquez and Faye Cherrier. They are both black belts training out of Atos in Georgia. Alex was recently ADCC East coast trials winner, IBJJF Nogi Worlds champion, and...
Episode 30

Brianna Ste-Marie (Mini Interview)
I got the opportunity at NoGi Summit to speak with Brianna Ste-Marie! She is a black belt training out of Canada. She is an ADCC medalist , IBJJF Gi and No-Gi Worlds medalist. She has an upcoming fight with Ffion Davies which is basically a rem...
Episode 30

Episode 29 - By the pool with Heather Jo Clark
In this episode, we sit down by the pool to have a chat with Heather Jo Clark. Heather is a black belt in jiu-jitsu and a retired Pro MMA fighter. She's traveled and lived in many places, always searching for the best places and people to train...
Episode 29

Episode 28 - Pop Topics
In this episode, we briefly discuss some topics that were submitted by our listeners. Some of these topics are sensitive and can cause some people to be triggered. We hope you listen even though these topics can be difficult to discuss. We only...
Episode 28

Episode 27 - Jiu-Jitsu on the Mind with Daniel Perez
In this episode we sit down with our professor Daniel Perez who has been teaching and training BJJ for a total of 21 years. We discuss the benefits of training jiu-jitsu as well as the psychology of jiu-jitsu such as, why do people get so addic...

Episode 26 - Joslyn Molina AKA Baby Shark
In this episode we sit down with Joslyn Molina aka baby shark who trains out of Mastermind MMA in Florida. She has been on fire in the competition scene. Not only is she competing in adults AND kid divisions but she's also medaling in them and ...
Episode 26

Episode 25 - End of the year wrap up
In this episode we discuss the goals we set for ourselves in 2023 and if we were able to accomplish them or not. We also discuss some tournaments in the local areas of Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Ft. Lauderdale, etc. that are occurring in the firs...

Episode 24 - IBJJF No-Gi Worlds
Here we discuss some of the more known women black belt competitors and a few brown belt competitors competing at IBJJF No-Gi Worlds, sharing info such as training history, style of fighting, titles/awards and some astrology of course! Be sure ...
Episode 24

Episode 23 - Jepha Mooi / Chick Jitsu
In this episode we sit down with Jepha Mooi , the co-founder of Chick Jitsu which hosts tournaments, open mats, seminars and more for women and young girls. She fosters a community of women and promotes a sense of sisterhood which we love...
Episode 23

Episode 22 - The Grapple Channel X Jiu-Jitsu Sisterhood
In this episode, we sit down in collaboration with The Grapple Channel podcast host , Karina. We three are all female jiu-jitsu practitioners that hosts podcasts discussing bjj related topics. We figured it would be fun to get together and just...

Episode 21 - Is it Cute or Cringe?
In this episode we sit down with a few of our teammates just to chit chat and have some fun being silly and discussing some unique DMs and interactions we have experienced when getting hit on as a woman that practices a martial art . Join us fo...
Episode 21